Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thing #18

I actually tested out Google Reader when I was experimenting with Google Tools. I downloaded a couple of documents. I am going to show the students how to download their documents from home and then show them how to view, edit, and delete from any computer with internet access. One of my concerns is: how worrisome should I be about students grades 6-8 making their own google account? (After their parents have approved an AUP form).
There are many advantages to Google Reader and Open Office. One is to actually NOT have to purchase Microsoft Office Software--which is VERY expensive. I know a lot of my students have computers but usually only use Microsoft Works (the standard on most computers), and to see this they will more options that are similar to Microsoft Office.

The disadvantage to Google Reader would be the students who do not have internet access at home. Hopefully one day we will fill in this technological gap.

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